Cover for Alto Energy optimization solution
Cover for Alto Energy optimization solution

Alto Multi-property

Alto Multi-Property is a platform that support property owners in making data-driven decisions along with and efficiently managing properties.

It centralizes all property data into one unified platform, enabling the generation of engineering analytical insights and benchmarking against other properties and standards to identify improvement opportunities.

This approach leads to unparalleled data transparency, paving the way for a more open and clear understanding of your property's performance. It significantly cuts down on the time and costs typically associated with property management. Ultimately, it ensures that owners are well-informed about crucial information and opportunities.

up to

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Energy Saving

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up to



Increased operational efficiency

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up to



Benchmarking & performance improvement

more than

more than



Improvement in decision-making efficiency





Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and Flexibility

How it works

Alto's clients simply require the installation of the Alto CERO box, which contains all the essential software and devices for the Alto CERO platform.

On-site Gateways

  • Localized data collection and processing

  • Enhance Security and Redundancy

  • Seamless integration with cloud services for data access and command execution

Cloud Infrastructure

  • Centralized data from all properties

  • Handle web application platform and analytics dashboard

  • Using data ontology to ensure compatibility of any property with ontology-based applications

  • Handle Machine Learning algorithms processing

Core Features

Property Monitoring and KPI Tracking

Monitor and Manage all your properties effortlessly using one comprehensive, versatile dashboard. Whether it's offline sites with manually uploaded data or online sites equipped with our Alto CERO AIoT Box for automatic, secure cloud data analysis.

Stay on top of crucial KPIs such as Carbon Footprint and Energy Efficiency, ensuring your properties are performing at their best.

Tailor your view with custom filters for different property types or regions, making it simple to focus on what matters most to you.

Compare and Benchmark

Easily contrast your properties' performance with industry benchmarks and relevant standards, getting a clear picture of where you stand.

Spot trends and patterns in your data, setting you up for proactive decision-making.

Create engaging reports and visuals, making analysis and communication not just effective, but also interesting.

Uncover Improvement Opportunities

Diagnose your supervised properties for potential issues or areas of improvement opportunities

Discover step-by-step approach to Net-Zero efficiently, tailored specifically for your properties.

Gain actionable insights that enable you to develop a straightforward and realistic strategy for achieving your net zero goals.

Automatic Reporting

Generate reports summarizing property's performance over a specified period, offering significantly reduction time spent on data processing, giving users an easy-to-understand breakdown of their property, and ensures swift and effective responses to operational needs.

Alerts and Notifications§

The platform can alert building operators when any faults or deviations detected in machine's real-time data. This ensures energy efficiency, reduces downtime, and let building's tenants enjoy a well-maintained, problem-free living environment.

User Management

Administrators have the ability to manage user roles and permissions through the settings section.

Many more features to empower your properties to become Greener, Healthier & Smarter

VRV-ERV Energy Optimization




Auto-control HVAC equipments, such as AC, within the building to reduce energy consumption while maintain tenant comfort.

Step 1

Step 1

Human Detection

Using CCTV and Computer Vision technologies to estimate the number or density of people present in a given area.

Step 2

Step 2

VRV Auto-Control

Adjusting setpoint temp., fan speed, and mode of Air Conditioner to reduce energy consumption while maintain human comfort aligning to Ashrae55-2017 standard.

Step 3

Step 3

ERV Auto-Control

Adjusting mode of ERV to feed fresh air to the building and maintain human comfort based on CO2 levels and other air quality parameters that align with Ashrae55-2017 standard.

Step 4

Step 4

Demand Limiting

Monitor real-time power consumption and predict future building demand to estimate future needs, then automatically powering down low-priority devices if needed.

VRV-ERV Energy Optimization




Detect hotel's guest occupancy in room using Machine Learning algorithm and IoT sensors, then adjust AC temperature while guest isn't occupied to reduce energy consumption.

Chiller Plant Energy Optimization




Automatically adjusts machines in Chiller Plant to operate at optimal energy efficiency for demand load at each time period. Harnessing Machine Learning and Big Data, the system can comprehensive understanding each equipment, enabling the optimization of plant controls to reduction in energy consumption.




Alto Chiller Plant Playback

Helps operators quickly identify and understand past operational issues or errors by accessing to historical activities and information.




Alto Chiller Plant GPT

Intelligence chatbot that equip with knowledge of specific building and expert engineering, offering expert-level understanding and recommendations for chiller plant operators.




Load Forecast & Fault Detection and Diagnostics

Integrates advanced Machine Learning models to predict crucial values for building operation such as power and cooling demand. Enable proactive resource management and energy optimization along with ability to detect anomalies and faults.